Caribou is looking for a Health Planning Coordinator to join our Business Development team. We're looking for someone that loves helping consumers make sense of healthcare and wants to be part of a small but ambitious team.

In this role, you will be responsible for using Caribou's proprietary algorithms to analyze health and financial data from clients (our “Members”) to deliver HealthPlan Analyses, outlining healthcare spend cost predictions and matching insurance plans to their health needs, preferences, and budget. Our Members span all demographics, from working professionals (employer-sponsored plans), to pre-65 retirees (individual Marketplace plans) to Medicare beneficiaries.

Eventually, this will transition into a Member-facing role at which time the Health Planning Coordinator will have direct conversations with Members in helping them explain the results of the analysis and talk about enrollment steps.

Other tasks involve:

About Caribou

Healthcare is currently the biggest financial concern for Americans. There is no foreseeable change in rising healthcare costs and financial advisors are experiencing market pressure to adopt new solutions to differentiate themselves. That's where Caribou comes in: we help financial advisors plan for and navigate the complexities of healthcare to expand their offerings and build stronger client relationships.

Our team is fully distributed and we like to hang out digitally (not only because of COVID, but because we're literally all over the world .. US, Mexico, Serbia, Canada, Angola and South Africa). We do our best to chill, have fun, and let off steam either by playing Among Us (and other games) or just having lunch / dinner together to get to know each other better.

A (sly) screenshot of one of our weekly meetings:

Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 12.06.34 PM.png

What we're looking for
